mobile asphalt plant 60
Mobile Asphalt Plant 60 T/H:
- The Capacity of 60 tonnes per hour is based on:
- Specific asphalt weight 1.6 tonnes/m
- 3% moisture of basic material
- Asphalt output temperature,160 °c
- For the best flexibility in transportation, it has been designed with the least changes.
- At the time of installation the plant, there is no need to use a Crane.
- It has 3 input material and the filler will be mixed with bitumen and material after weighing.
- It has to be carried on 4 trucks and will be installed similar to fixed asphalt plant.
What is included
Truck No 1
- Mobile Asphalt Plant 60 T/H :
- The Capacity of 60 tons per hour is based on:
- Specific asphalt weight 1.6 tons/m
- 3% moisture of basic material
- Asphalt output temperature ,160 °c
- For the best flexibility in transportation ,it has been designed with the least changes.
- At the time of installation the plant ,there is no need to use a Crane.
- It has 3 input material and the filler will be mixed with bitumen and material after weighing.
- It has to be carried on 4 trucks and will be installed similar to fixed asphalt plant.
Truck No 2
- Material elevator from scale to mixer
- 60-tons Mixer with 30 k.w electro- gearbox and accessories.
- Bitumen scale with 3 way valve, 2 ½ bitumen pump ,3 load –cell and belongings
- Asphalt storage silo with the capacity of 25 tons
Truck No 3
- Dryer with special designed blades and thermal galvanized sheets
- Turbojet burner with electro-motor 11 k.w and 3 k.w Gasoline pump with all belongings
- Material elevator from dryer to screen (Length 1050 mm * Width 600 mm W * High 6340 mm) with electro-gearbox 7.5 K.W
- Cyclone and output channels from dryer and input channels to the filter, discharge valve
- English Bag Filters, spring and 1.5 kw electro-gearbox
- 3-deck vibrator screen with 4 kw electro motor ( L 4440mm *H 1600 mm *W 1350 mm) covering screen box and electromotor
- 4 Hot Bins with pneumatic discharge gate and relevant jacks
- Sand and filler scale equipped with pneumatic gate ,3 load-cells and accessories.
- 45 k.w Exhaust Fan with regulator gate, stack and accessories
Truck no 4
- Control room with air conditioner , insulated walls and jacks to prevent transferring vibration from the plant to the control
room at the time of working
- Equipped control system to work on secure conditions and with 3 different modes::Full automatic , Semi-automatic and manual
- Control panel including power control to start up all electro motors, turbo-jet burner ,bitumen pump, oil heater, and other circuits
- Control panel to control all functions such as measuring ,bitumen weighing counting mixes, mixing time, switching on and off different parts, emergency stop, controlling the temperature, flame, furnace pressure, input material and etc.
- Air compressor to supply compressed air for all pneumatic drivers and filter
- Oil heater with the capacity of 200,000 k cal/h with bi-modal burner, oil pump, expansion reservoir , control valve and control panel